Updated on June 15, 2024 by  Hannah Fitchett

Jelly, the jiggly, colorful treat, is a yummy human dessert! It is synonymous with kids’ birthday parties and pairs amazingly with ice cream! But, can dogs eat jelly?

Dogs can eat some types of jelly but they can’t eat sugar free jellies that contain the artificial sweetener, xylitol. 

Whether or not our dogs can eat jelly is not straightforward. We’ll take a look at this surprisingly complicated eating conundrum below. 

Can Dogs Eat Jelly?

So, can your furry friend partake in the jiggly jelly or the sticky spread of jam? The answer lies in what’s in the jar! Let’s break it down. 

Both of these types of jellies are safe for dogs to eat but they are packed with sugar, which isn’t good for doggy tummies. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to dental problems, weight gain, and even diabetes! Though your dog won’t get sick from eating a small amount of strawberry jelly, it isn’t the best option for our dogs. 

Sugar free jellies are toxic for dogs and should be avoided. These types of jellies contain harmful artificial sweeteners, like xylitol. Additionally, some jams contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs like grapes so spreads like grape jelly are also not safe for dogs to eat. 

What Are the Risks of Dogs Eating Jelly?

While it’s tempting to let your dog share in this jiggly goodness, there are a few risks you should consider when feeding your dog jelly of any sort:

  • Excessive Sugar: Most kinds of jelly are loaded with sugar, leading to weight gain, dental issues, and even diabetes. 
  • Toxic Ingredients: Some jellies contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs. For instance, some fruits, like grapes, are toxic to dogs so grape jelly needs to be avoided.
  • Sugar Substitute: Artificial sweeteners and additives commonly found in jelly can upset your dog’s stomach, or worse, some, like xylitol, can be very toxic.

You don’t need to worry if your dog ate jelly that you accidentally dropped on the floor. A little bit of sugar isn’t going to hurt them. But if they have eaten sugar-free jelly or grape jelly then you need to take them to the vet immediately.

What Are the Health Benefits of Jelly?

There aren’t many health benefits for dogs eating jelly. As mentioned above, jelly is usually packed with sugar. If your dog eats too much of it, you can expect weight gain, dental problems, and diabetes

That said, gelatin can have some health benefits for dogs. Gelatin has a high protein content, for instance. However, jellies don’t have huge amounts of gelatin in them, especially when store-bought. The excess sugar far outweighs the potential health benefits of gelatin. 

There are many healthier treats for your pup to enjoy instead. Fruits and veggies are the best human snacks for dogs. Apples, blueberries, and carrots are all great options, for instance. Plain yogurt is also a dog-safe snack and contains tons of probiotics. 

How Much Jelly Can Dogs Eat?

It’s best to avoid giving your dog any amount of store-bought jelly. Regular jelly offers no real health benefits for dogs and can actually be harmful due to its high sugar content and potential for toxic ingredients.

However, some pet brands sell dog friendly jelly mixes which you can use to make homemade gummy dog treats. Alternatively, you can buy dog jellies from the pet store which are like dog gummy treats. 

If you’re feeling crafty, you can make your own dog-safe jelly using purees made from fruits that are safe for dogs (think apples and blueberries) and gelatin. Of course, fruit is still high in sugar but not nearly as high as store bought jellies. 

What Are Some Dog Safe Jelly Treats?

Occasionally, you can purchase dog-safe jelly treats from pet stores. These treats are made using ingredients your dog can have, though they look like human jelly. Look for brands that use natural ingredients and shouldn’t contain sweeteners. 

Plus, just because the jelly is safe doesn’t necessarily mean it is good for them. Be sure to always double-check the ingredient list and nutritional facts, even if something is advertised as “safe for dogs.”

Start with very small amounts when you introduce a new food to your dog’s diet. In many cases, dogs’ stomachs don’t react well the first few times they eat food. Therefore, you want to start with a very small amount and slowly add more as your dog tolerates it. 


Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Jelly?

Dogs can eat strawberry jelly as long as it is not the sugar-free kind. However, it’s not recommended you give your dog strawberry jelly because it contains large amounts of sugar which is not well tolerated by dogs.

What Happens If A Dog Eats Jelly?

If your dog eats a small amount of jelly, you don’t need to worry. However, large amounts of jelly can cause stomach upset and diarrhea, diabetes, and weight gain. Instead, a healthy treat alternative is recommended like an apple slice or a carrot chunk. 

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