Updated on August 27, 2024 by  Hannah Fitchett

You’ve got your soft pretzels and your hard pretzels. Your savory pretzels and your sweet pretzels. With so many different types and flavors, pretzels are a popular human food, but can dogs eat pretzels?

Yes, dogs can eat plain pretzels. Pretzels aren’t toxic to dogs and won’t cause any immediate consequences if eaten. However, some pretzels contain additional ingredients which can be toxic to dogs. 

Below, we’ll explore why pretzels aren’t typically recommended for canine consumption and what you should do if your dog ate a piece of your pretzel.

Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

Though pretzels aren’t toxic for dogs, it’s generally not recommended for dogs to eat them. Here’s why:

  • High in sodium: Salted pretzels are not safe for dogs because too much salt can be harmful to dogs
  • Not very nutritious: Pretzels don’t provide much nutritional value for dogs. They’re mainly carbohydrates and don’t contain many vitamins. They’re filler foods that are best to avoid.
  • Choking hazards: Pretzels can be soft or hard. Either way, dogs that tend to scarf things down may choke on these twist-shaped snacks. 

Avoid feeding pretzels to your dog if they contain:

  • Other ingredients: Flavored pretzels can contain many different ingredients, including artificial sweeteners. Some of these, like xylitol, are toxic to dogs. 
  • Toxic flavors: Some pretzels are coated in different flavors such as onion powder which is toxic to dogs. Additionally, chocolate covered pretzels are also toxic to dogs and should be avoided.

That being said, if your dog snatches a bite of a plain pretzel, it won’t cause any harm. It’s more so that continued consumption will cause harm. 

If your dog eats a pretzel that’s flavored or contains artificial sweeteners, though, it’s important to double-check the ingredient list to ensure it doesn’t contain xylitol, chocolate or any other toxic ingredients. . 

What Are the Risks of Dogs Eating Pretzels?

The risks of your dog eating pretzels aren’t sudden harm. Instead, pretzels typically pose the biggest problem when included in a dog’s diet long-term. Here are some things you need to keep in mind:

  • Salt overload: If your dog eats too much sodium, there is a chance of salt poisoning. Luckily, this likely isn’t going to happen from pretzels alone. Still, a small amount of salt eaten regularly may put your dog at a higher risk of health issues. 
  • Digestive upset: Many dogs cannot handle the starches found in pretzels, especially since they typically consume a high-protein diet. Digestive upset often isn’t serious, but it can be uncomfortable for dogs. 
  • Weight gain: Pretzels have a lot of calories in them, and these added calories can lead to excessive weight gain. Too much weight gain can lead to a slew of medical issues for your pup. 

These problems typically arise if your dog eats too much salt or calories over a long period of time. A single snatch of a pretzel typically won’t cause anything more than stomach upset. 

Are There Any Health Benefits of Pretzels for Dogs?

Actually, there are no real health benefits for dogs when it comes to eating pretzels. Pretzels are low in essential nutrients. Dogs thrive most on protein and healthy fats, which a commercial dog food will provide. Pretzels do not contain any nutrients your dog needs to thrive. 

Sodium and sometimes sugars are added to pretzels, which can disrupt your dog’s digestive system. Digestive issues can also occur, especially if your dog isn’t used to eating a starchy diet. 

Alternatives to Pretzels for Dogs

There are many healthier dog treats to feed your pup, such as:

  • Single-ingredient treats: Commercial treats made with one or two ingredients are a good choice. Typically, these contain dehydrated meat, sweet potato, or a similar ingredient. 
  • Fruit and vegetable treats: In moderation, fruits and vegetables provide healthy nutrients without providing tons of calories. Pears, bananas, apples, carrots, and mulberries are great options.
  • Homemade treats: You can also create your own treats using dog-safe ingredients. 

These alternative options are a far better choice than pretzels for your dog’s health. Apart from these, you should also include quality probiotic chews (like this one) in your dog’s diet to help maintain their digestive health. While pretzels aren’t toxic (though they can sometimes contain toxic ingredients), you should avoid feeding too many to your dog or using them as a regular treat.

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