Updated on April 10, 2023 by  Hannah Fitchett

Sleep is an important part of any dog’s life. Just like us humans, dogs need sleep for brain development and immune functions. But do they dream like us too? The twitching of the mouth and ears combined with their running legs and little grunts whilst sleeping shows dogs seem to dream. However, we now have research that shows what dogs are actually dreaming about.

How do we know dogs dream?

Studies have shown that dogs follow the same cycle of sleeping states as humans do. They move from slow-wave sleep to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and it is during REM sleep that the dreams occur. It was, therefore, proposed that dogs dream the same way as we do. However, as we couldn’t ask our dogs what they dream about it wasn’t known for sure…until now!

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The research behind what animals dream about

Exciting research from MIT has shown, for the first time, what animals are actually dreaming about, and it’s probably no surprise that it is similar to what humans dream about.

Researchers used rats in their studies and trained them to run along a circular track. The rats were rewarded with food at a certain point on the track each time. They measured the rat’s brain activity whilst they were running. They found that the rat’s brain constructed a unique pattern of nerve impulses in the area of the brain known for memory function.

They then measured the rat’s brain activity while they were in REM sleep and found about half of the rats reconstructed the same unique pattern of neurons that they had whilst they were running.

The researchers could even pinpoint where the rat was in the maze as they slept and whether the rat was running or standing still.

What do dogs dream about?

The research above shows that animals, just like humans, dream about the events of their day as a way to create long-term memories.

Dogs are, therefore, likely dreaming about what has happened during their day from chasing squirrels to catching balls! They are likely even dreaming about you! They use REM sleep to organize the memories in their brain so they can be recalled upon later.

They could even be dreaming about where you put their dog treats so they can remember to go back to that spot to hunt for them when you’re not looking!

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Do dogs have nightmares?

So if dogs can have dreams, can they also have nightmares? The answer is yes! If we understand that dreams are based on events of the day then we can understand that not every event is a pleasant one.

Sadly, some dogs have experienced trauma and fear during their life which can be recalled upon during their dreams giving rise to a nightmare.

If you do notice your dog is having a nightmare, then it is best to leave them alone and let sleeping dogs lie.


Research has now shown that dogs do dream just like us humans! They dream about the events of their day and use REM sleep to organize and form long-term memories in their brain. Dogs can also experience nightmares, especially if they have had trauma in their lives. This research is another way to show just how close we are to our beloved dogs.

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