Updated on January 6, 2024 by  Hannah Fitchett

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As dog parents, we all want the best for our pups. Daily exercise is very important for keeping them happy and healthy.

Fortunately, there are plenty of dog exercise equipment options to choose from.

This makes it easier for us to give our pets the physical activity they need. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the different types of dog exercise equipment available and how to choose the right one for your pup!

What are the best pieces of dog exercise equipment?

1. Dog treadmills

Dog treadmills are a great piece of indoor exercise equipment for dogs. A dog treadmill gives your dog the opportunity to exercise when getting outside is not an option.

They have multiple speed settings which enables you to choose the right speed for your dog. These are great for pups who need to get some extra steps and exercise indoors.

2. Dog treadwheels

A dog treadwheel is similar to a treadmill but the running belt is within a wheel. Unlike treadmills, a dog treadwheel is powered by your dog instead of electricity.

This means they can go as fast or slow as they like and can stop at any time. The dog treadwheel comes in multiple sizes so be sure to pick the right one for your dog.

3. SwiftPaws

SwiftPaws is a fun ‘capture the flag’ dog toy which prompts your dog to chase a flag around a track to try and capture it. It is easy to set up in your garden and allows you to set up a course length of up to 200ft.

You can adjust the speed of the moving flag and the direction it is moving in through a hand held remote control. This is a great piece of dog exercise equipment for high energy dogs.

4. Agility equipment

Agility courses are designed to give your pup a great physical and mental workout whilst also having a lot of fun. If you think your dog would like to exercise this way you can easily set up your own DIY agility course at home!

Agility courses consist of various obstacles which test your dog’s speed, agility, and obedience.

Common obstacles include hurdles, weave poles, and tunnels. The difficulty of the course can be adjusted to suit your pup’s fitness level and can be increased as they increase their skills.

5. Tug-of-war ropes

For the dog’s who have a high prey drive, a good ol’ fashioned game of tug-of-war is a great way to exercise your dog whilst also taping into their natural prey drive.

You’ll be surprised at how much energy your dog can burn by pulling on a tug rope. There are also tug ropes available which are suitable for 2 dogs if you are part of a multi-dog pack.

6. Paddling pools

Paddling pools are a great way to exercise dogs when the weather is hot outside. Your dog can still burn some calories without you being worried about overheating.

If you don’t have the space for a paddling pool you can try a sprinkler mat which prompts dogs to chase and jump in the sprinkler water. You can also try some dog water toys for added entertainment.

7. Flirt poles

A flirt pole is a similar to a cat wand but much bigger…and for dogs! It is a long pole with a small furry toy animal attached to the end of it.

You can swing the animal around and prompt your dog to chase it. This is great for getting your dog’s heartrate up with minimal effort from you. You’ll be surprised how quickly your dog tires after a game of flirt pole.

8. Automatic dog ball launchers

An automatic dog ball launcher is another great way to exercise your dog. They throw balls for your dog to chase and catch without you having to lift your arm!

You can adjust the distance the ball is launched to suit your dog’s skill level.

Why is exercising your dog important?

Physical benefits

Exercising a dog helps to maintain and increase muscle mass, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and improve overall agility and coordination.

Regular exercise also helps reduce the risk of obesity in pet dogs. As many as 56% of dogs in the US are considered overweight. Excess weight can lead to serious health issues including joint problems, diabetes, and heart disease.

Mental benefits

Daily exercise is also great for a dog’s mental health too. Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety levels, which can lead to improved moods and behaviors in our dogs.

Additionally, it helps stimulate their minds by providing new and interesting activities to explore. These type of enriching activities has been shown to reduce destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture.

How much exercise do dogs need?

The amount of exercise your dog needs will depend on their breed, age, and energy levels. Older dogs require less exercise and high-energy dogs will require a lot of exercise. In general, a dog will need between 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise each day.

Final thoughts

Exercising your dog is an important part of keeping them happy and healthy. Depending on their breed, age, and energy levels they will need anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours of exercise each day.

There are many ways to ensure that your pup gets the physical exercise they need including playing fetch and running on a treadmill. From couch potato to agility pro, your dog will be as fit as a fiddle in no time!

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