Updated on July 8, 2023 by  Hannah Fitchett

We’ve all been there. Our dog is taking a leisurely stroll through the forest when suddenly his nose begins to twitch and his tail starts to wag. He’s found something, you’re hoping it’s a tasty treat but deep down you know it’s dog poop!

Dogs eat poop for a number of reasons, some of which are normal, while others may be indicative of medical issues or behavioral problems. Read on to learn the answer to ‘why do dogs eat poop?’

What is Coprophagia?

Coprophagia is the scientific term for eating poop (yes there is a scientific name for it!) and is considered normal behavior in other animals. In fact, coprophagia is how rabbits get their main nutrients and is a fundamental part of how they avoid medical issues.

Is it normal for dogs to eat poop?

Dogs eating poop is considered normal and even a natural behavior at some stages of their life. Mother dogs will lick their puppies to encourage them to poop and then clean it up by eating it. Puppies who watch their mothers do this may pick up on the behavior and start doing it themselves.

Puppies also start poop-eating as a way to explore the world around them. From cat poop from the litter box to horse manure, most puppies will eat poop to learn about their environment. Dogs usually stop eating poop when they become adult dogs.

A recent study by the University of California found that of approx. 3000 dogs, 16% were frequent poop eaters (eating stools at least six times). It was surmised that this is a behavior that has been passed down as dogs evolved from wolves. Wolves would eat their own poop as a way to keep their den clean and free from fecal-borne parasites. Poop eating is therefore very much a part of their doggy DNA!

With that said, there are some instances where a dog eating poop may be a cause for concern for dog owners. If your adult dog suddenly starts eating feces and he’s never done it before, it could be because of one of the reasons below.

dog smelling poop for the 'Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?' Article

3 Reasons why dogs eat poop

1. Medical reasons

There are a few medical reasons why your dog might be inclined to eat poop. If your dog is missing nutrients from their diet, they may turn to stool eating to make up for it. Additionally, some intestinal parasites can cause dogs to have a craving for poop. If you think your dog may have a medical condition that’s causing them to eat feces, you should take them to the vet for a checkup.

2. Attention-seeking behavior

In some cases, dogs may eat poop as a way of getting attention from their owners. If you tend to make a big fuss when they are sniffing around other animals’ poop, they may start eating it in order to get your attention. The best way to put an end to this bad habit is to simply ignore your dog when they’re doing it and praise them when they leave it alone.

3. Anxiety

An anxious dog, who has been subjected to harsh methods and punishments during the potty training stages, is likely to eat their poop to get rid of the evidence and avoid another telling-off. If you think this may be the cause of your pup’s coprophagia then switch to only using positive reinforcement during house training and be mindful of your mood when you are cleaning up their mess. If your demeanor becomes hostile this could lead to more anxiety.

So why do dogs eat poop? Most dogs eat poop because it is hardwired in them to do so. However, if your adult dog has suddenly taken up this habit you should evaluate if you think it’s due to behavioral triggers or underlying medical problems. If you think it’s the latter then take them to the vet for a checkup. In most cases, it’s nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

How do I stop my dog from eating poop?

Once you have ruled out any medical reasons for your dog’s poop-eating, you can focus on correcting the behavior.

Keep them on a leash

The best way to stop your pup from eating poop is to keep them on a leash when out walking. This will stop them from getting access to other animals’ stools, as well as their own.

Use the “leave it” command

Teaching the “leave it” command and rewarding good behavior with treats can help to deter your dog from eating poop.

Feed a nutrient-rich diet

It’s important to feed your dog a nutrient-rich diet so they don’t need to get their nutrients from other animals’ feces. You can also increase the quality of your dog’s meals with dog supplements.

dog looking in bushes for the 'Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?' Article


How do you punish a dog for eating poop?

You shouldn’t punish your dog for poop-eating. Many dogs eat their own poop and it’s a common behavior of puppies. Instead, try to figure out why they’re doing it and take steps to address the underlying issue. Training your dog with cues such as “leave it” and “come” will help to discourage them from eating feces by distracting them whilst on a walk.

Can a dog get sick from eating poop?

Dogs have evolved from wolves as scavengers, eating whatever they could get their paws on and it’s considered normal behavior. That being said, there is a chance that your dog could get sick from eating feces if it contains intestinal parasites or other harmful bacteria which can be passed on from other animals. For this reason, discourage the behavior by using other distractions.

Article sources

Hart B., et al. (2018). The paradox of canine conspecific coprophagy. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29851313/  

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